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We ensure that girls and boys grow up linked to
Mother Nature and with her build a better world

Since 1995, ANIA has been working to promote empathy for life in the new generations: the ability to feel, think, and act for the well-being of oneself, one's social environment, and the natural world. To achieve this, they need to grow up in regular and positive contact with Mother Nature and learn from her to thrive, regenerating life and human relationships.

Mother Nature
as a teacher

For 3.8 billion years, Earth has evolved to create the necessary conditions for life to thrive, diversify, and sustain itself. This is due to the fundamental principles inherent in life, known as "nature's intelligence (NI)," which include interdependence, functionality, cooperation, adaptability, and regeneration.


In the face of the current social and environmental crisis, it is of paramount importance to integrate these principles into education and our daily activities. That is why ANIA promotes the inclusion of Mother Nature as a teacher in the formal education system, through the Children's Land (TiNi). In this way, we ensure that future generations grow up in regular and positive contact with nature, receiving her benefits, developing a bond with her, understanding her principles, and applying them in the present and future to thrive by regenerating life and human relationships.


Our methodology
Children's Land (TiNi)


When girls and boys grow up in regular and positive contact with nature, it contributes significantly to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being, and makes them grow up with a "good heart", loving and caring for life.

To achieve this, we created the Children's land, recognized by Unesco as a good practice in education for sustainable development, present in more than 10 countries and institutionalized by the governments of Peru, Ecuador and the Municipality of Rapa Nui.

In Peru, we have the innovation laboratory of. the methodology, in Brazil and Canada with Promotion Centers and in Costa Rica the global center of the teacher Mother Nature is being created to globalize the TiNi methodology.

To implement the methodology there are courses for children, teachers, the general public and the platform And for the sustainability of the TiNi, there is the Carbono por Educación and Bono SAVE program.


Escuelita TiNi
Where nature is the teacher

Escuelita TiNi is a virtual platform that offers entertaining pedagogical tools based on the intelligence of nature (IN), which strengthens the capacities of children to thrive by generating added value to society and the planet. The platform features the characters Ania and Kin as protagonists and includes more than 12 tales with animations, audio stories, infographics, guides, learning sheets, and more. The micro-episodes of Ania and Kin were broadcasted through Discovery Kids in 30 countries in Latin America for two years and on a public TV channel during the pandemic in alliance with the Ministry of Education of Peru.


Children's Land Courses

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Our allies are essential for our mission to catalyze globally

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